Last updated: 10 Aug, 2021

Davide Montemurri

On Sunday 4 July Davide Montemurri, a longtime participant and friend of Auroville, peacefully left his body in his house at Nettuno (Rome). He was 91 years old.

Davide has been in contact with Auroville for many years, especially since he did the 'L'homme après l'homme' (Man after Man) movie in collaboration with Boni Menato. The documentary, which was an eye-opener for many, included in-depth conversations with Satprem in Nilgiris in the early eighties. Together with Boni, he also started the Italian Institute for Evolutionary Research.

Davide remained very inspired by Sri Aurobindo’s and Mother’s vision. A friend who was with him during his transition mentioned that he had been preparing himself to leave his body since March this year, and that he passed away peacefully, his eyes open and a smile on his lips. We remember him with fondness and gratitude.


For an integral version of 'L'homme après l'homme' see:
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If you would feel like, you can send us your recollections or photographs, so they can be added to the page in order to commemorate years of dedication to Auroville and its ideals.

This page has been published in order to create a space of remembrance for all of those who lived, struggled and enjoyed in Auroville, making a conscious effort to manifest the Dream of Human Unity that is in the process of emerging.

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